Skin Deep

I was trying to write about something else but couldn’t get this out of my head.

I was doing my daily scroll through social media today. I was getting more and more anxious about the turmoil happening in my country. It was bad enough feeling angry myself because my daughter is already coming home crying because of a bully on the bus.

She is in kindergarten and another little girl in the same grade told her that her skin was gross and insisted she move into the other seat even though they aren’t allowed due to assigned seating. She also told the other little girl that Tessa is friends with in class not to talk to Tessa anymore. Now the first thing that came to my mind was that the girl was being racist. Tessa has always gravitated towards people of color. She has always loved their hairstyles and wants to get her hair braided with colorful beads.
The event really hurt Tessa’s feelings and she kept bringing it up all evening. She has always been pretty sensitive. As she talked more about it I realized that the issue wasn’t Tessa’s beautiful olive skin tone but because of her autoimmune disorder Eczema. It leaves her hands and legs looking dry and cracked, but not nearly as scaly as when she was a toddler. She has lived with it almost since birth and it has caused her so much discomfort and I wont allow it to cause her to be treated like a leper.

So last night I let her soak in an oatmeal bath. I rubbed coconut oil into her skin. Put a little steroid cream on the worst spots and a thick coat of Vaseline to try to keep in some moisture. I also painter her fingernails up super sparkly, so this morning she ran to the bus with renewed confidence and I guess as a mother that is the best I can do for my child… I also contacted the board of educations, transportation department, cause I’m not going to put up with that shit.


Also related to skin. I saw this picture and I couldn’t help comment to the poster about the ignorance.


If you agree with this then let me just tell you, please open your eyes. In Africa this very minute there are black people that own other black people. The chocolate that you eat, if it came from Africa there is a pretty big chance it was harvested by a slave. This is a story that I heard from a man that had been there and seen it first hand. I am sure if you do a little digging you will see that this is the same case in many other places around the would, so if people want to be angry about slavery they should definitely stop blaming white Americans like this suggests, but we should definitely still be angry about slavery. Slavery has never been about White against Black. Slavery is about stealing people from their homes, Human trafficking, ask Ashton Kutcher about it.

If people could only see past skin deep.

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